MYTH #17-Jesus wants us to change the world?
This is a myth that penetrates ministry
efforts around the world. There is a constant
man-made effort to organize the message of
Jesus into a standardized methodology. So,
over the years many methods have been created
and promoted to be the best ways, and
sometimes the only ways, ministry is done.
Examples of these methods are gospel tracts,
such as the "Four Spiritual Laws", altar
calls at the end of the church service,
conversion tactics on the mission field or
use of a certain bible translation. These
methods are employed to do what we think
Jesus wants us to do-to change the world.
The damage is fourfold: FIRST-If you think
you must change the world, you will create an
agenda for every person you approach. If a
person is from a different religious
persuasion, then your agenda is to talk them
out of their religion and into yours. If a
person believes in evolution, then your
agenda is to argue with him about creation.
If a person is doing something you want him
to change, then your agenda is to figure out
a way to change him. There are so many noble
causes in our society that have become major
agendas that get in the way of really
changing the world-like fighting over the
homosexual agenda or fighting abortion or
fighting over family value issues or arguing
over politics.
SECOND-If you think you must change the
world, you believe you are "right" and
disrespect all others from different
THIRD-If you think you must change the world,
then you may not include the only one who can
change those in your world of influence-Jesus.
FOURTH-If you think you must change the
world, then you tend to think you are in
charge of the results and actually making the
changes happen.
To debunk this myth we need only observe the
life and methodology of Jesus. Jesus always
worked with the needs of the person He
encountered. In other words, Jesus allowed
the needs of the person to dictate His approach.
Therefore, Jesus never approached two people
in the same way. His relationship with each
person is so unique.
No matter what the need was that Jesus
encountered, He was always the answer. There
may be a physical or mental healing, but He,
personally, was the solution to everyone's
problem. I love the theoretical conversation
that goes like this:
Man: I have a problem; it's me!
Jesus: I have the answer; it's Me!
Jesus doesn't want us to change the world.
That's a myth. Jesus is the only one who is
able to change a person's heart and therefore
the only one who can change the world. All we
can do is to introduce Jesus into the
situation with the world around us. We must
become convinced that our primary and only
effective role is to advance the conversation
of Jesus in our world.
Congressman Mark Siljander has summarized the
approach he has used in international
negotiations with some of the most difficult
situations in our world. It is a strategy for
introducing Jesus-the universal
change-agent-into most any encounter.
(Siljander's new book, A Deadly
Misunderstanding which contains the essence of this approach.) The four phases of
Siljander's approach are the following.
First, he says if you want to see real
change, it's important to begin with no
agenda whatsoever. If you have an agenda, you
will trigger a variety of defenses and will
face major resistance. Don't approach someone
with what's on your mind, but seek what's on
his or her mind.
Secondly, he says if you want to see real
change, you must incorporate unconditional
love. When you show genuine love to someone,
you will respect them and their differing
positions they hold. You don't have to agree
with them; just love them in the spirit and
specificity of I Corinthians 13.
Thirdly, he says if you want to see real
change, you must introduce Jesus without
religious baggage. It's in the spirit of
Jesus that you can truly love someone
unconditionally. The power of Jesus' name
introduces a dynamic into the equation that
is immeasurable. At the name of Jesus,
something good and supernatural happens.
Fourthly, he says if you want to see real
change, you must count on the Spirit of Jesus
to make the changes in the person's heart. In
other words, you continue to get out of the
way, once you've introduced Jesus, and watch
Him work. Leave the results to Him.
This strategy works, not only in the toughest
of international negotiations, but in your
family, in your community and in your
business. Jesus doesn't want us to change
anyone anywhere. He wants us to touch people
He brings to us with no agenda and
unconditional love as we introduce Jesus into
the mix and count on His Spirit to make the
changes. You and I aren't going to change
anybody, but Jesus can make that change in
everyone you encounter in His time and in His