I receive an email or two per day relating stories of ugly
persecution around the world. Usually the persecution is against a group
of Christians who are being threatened, burned out of their Church
buildings, tortured, abused or even killed. The stories are amazing and
very sad.
Before I finished writing JESUS PLUS NOTHING, we advised a
persecuted missionary in India to shift his approach from trying to
"convert" the Hindus out of their culture into a Western Christian mold.
It's no wonder they were being persecuted. Families were angered and
village leadership fought against him with all their power and passion
over this haughty conversion tactic being used.
Conversion in the sense of yanking a person from his culture
and making him join a new culture isn't even mentioned one time in the
Bible. Even though this is a fact, many blindly and stubbornly move
ahead to put all of their monies and energies into converting people out
of their cultures into the Western Christian culture. In a few
translations the term "convert" or "converted" is used, but it means to
turn to God, not change or deny a person's culture.
As we have discussed in the last couple of days, followers
of Jesus are never commanded to convert the world, but to make disciples
of Jesus from all of the nations. In fact, no person, clergy or
missionary can convert or change a person's heart at all. Only God can
perform this kind of inner transformation.
This was the essence of what came out of the conversation
with Jesus and his disciples, when Jesus asked, "Who do you say that I
am?" Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living
God." Then Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this
was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in
By the way, when the persecuted missionary changed his
approach from trying to convert Hindus to become Christians into simply
introducing Hindus to Jesus, the persecution finally ceased.
JESUS PLUS NOTHING illustrates two of the most common types
of persecution taught by Jesus. The first is that Jesus made it clear
that the world will hate his followers in the same way they hate Jesus.
Then, Jesus explains what the "world" will do to his followers. He says,
"They will throw you out of their synagogues." In other words, the
"world" Jesus is referring to is the religious world. I've certainly
experienced this. Most of the so-called persecution I've ever received
has come from the religious, not the secular world.
The second kind of persecution that emerges out of Jesus'
teachings is the refusal of the Jewish leadership to go along with God's
original program of reaching out to the nations of the world. Through
God's agreement He made with Abraham, the Jews were to be especially
blessed by God and to be a blessing to the nations of the world.
The greatest persecution in the New Testament writings
happened when Jesus referred to extending salvation to the nations or
Gentiles. When Jesus brought this up in his first talk at the synagogue
in Nazareth, the people were so incensed that they took him out to push
him off a cliff.
When Stephen referred to being a blessing to the nations of
the world, he was stoned to death. And when Paul mentioned it, he was
stoned and left for dead.
In my opinion, today most persecution comes out of a
religious context and also occurs when well-meaning people try to do the
work of wrenching people out of their cultures and changing them into
becoming whatever flavor of religious persuasion one happens to be.
Remember what Jesus said to Peter? "My Father revealed these
incredible transforming ideas to you. No flesh and blood can teach
this, so that you are transformed."
God is calling people to Himself within the many cultures of
our world. Instead of you trying to call people out or supporting those
who do, just go along with what God is up to. He's got the best idea of
all and He's the only one who can truly change a person's heart. Now
that's a Jesus plus nothing principle, for sure!