There is a universal truth in the
marketplace: "Only 5% think, 15% think they
think and 80% would rather die than think."
We live and move in herds. We go along and
rarely question what we hear. This is
especially true after hearing things over and
over throughout our lives. The tendency is to
accept without question whatever we hear that
is attached to a Scriptural verse and
delivered by a pastor, teacher, guru, priest,
imam, or monk we trust. I call these blind
beliefs "myths" that are passed on so
frequently that they become THE truth and a
vital doctrine in our religious beliefs.
Once we have embraced a given myth, we tend
to use it to establish that we are more right
than another. There is something in our
humanity that works overtime to be right,
which makes those who disagree with us wrong.
I have been caught up in a series of myths my
entire life. After growing up in a Christian
home, attending a Christian liberal arts
college and a four year graduate seminary, I
went along with many of the myths without
questioning what I read or was taught. The
result? My eyes gradually glazed over and I
became hard of hearing.
I've spent most of my life seeking to
understand how to relate to the non-churched,
non-Christian world. My books and speaking
platforms have all had a crossover flavor to
them and I finally ended up at the peak of
professional speaking opportunities on the
largest platforms in addition to pastoring
one of the early mega-churches.
During that season of my life I came to the
conclusion that only Jesus could transform
our lives.
1. NOT Churchianity
2. NOT Christianity
3. NOT conversion methods
I came to the conclusion that in order to
reach the non-churched world I would have to
separate myself from mainstream churches and
Christianity. So, I did that to a certain
degree, but I still had to take up offerings
to keep the church and its staff alive.
In the second season of my life Jesus
apprehended my heart in a fresh way and
poised me toward taking this same "Jesus plus
nothing" message beyond the "secular",
non-churched world into the 7 major cultures
of the world.
So, now my focus and perpendicular learning
curve have taken me to a simple understanding
of Jesus and the Kingdom. I've spent so much
time and energy unlearning a lot of my
theological premises I received at graduate
seminary while a student and professor. It's
been a fresh look at Jesus and His message of
the good news of the Kingdom. His message
was not the church, but all about the
Kingdom. He only mentions "church" on two
In this journey now we are working with the 7
primary cultures of the world-Buddhist,
Hindu, Moslem, Jewish, Animist, Christian and
Atheist/Agnostic. We don't present
Christianity to them, but Jesus. We teach
them to follow the teachings and principles
of Jesus as the early disciples did. The
results are amazing. Instead of further
dividing the world into more warring
factions, we are experiencing a new and
supernatural unity in the name of Jesus. You
see, Jesus unites and all else divides! I am
now convinced that Christianity isn't the
way; Jesus is!
One of the repeated themes and challenges
within the teachings of Jesus is to have ears
to hear and eyes to see. Jesus knows our
human tendency to drift away, get
off-message, become distracted, and to divide
up and take sides. So, He warns us to be
careful that we listen and see clearly.
We are going to make our way through 32
myths. These aren't the only myths, but seem
to be some of the most common ones. It is not
my purpose to shake up your faith in any way
other than to strengthen it and refocus it on
Jesus. As you read through each of the myths,
remove your religious blinders, think and
evaluate what you believe Jesus' teaching
really is. Don't be afraid to go with His
teachings, when they counter things you have
believed all your life. It may be a little
shocking at first, but when the light bulb
clicks on in your head and heart, you'll know
what is true.
Jesus without religious baggage is awesome,
attractive and even irresistible!
The only thing Jesus requires of you and me
is to be interested-to have ears to hear and
eyes to see.
If you are Muslim, know that your holy Qur'an
teaches the uniqueness of Jesus and reveres
Him most highly. If you are Buddhist, know
that His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, loves the
teachings of Jesus and encourages people to
study them and follow Him. If you are Hindu,
know that there are millions within your
culture who have come to love and follow
Jesus as did Ghandi. If you are Jewish, do as
your many scholars are doing and study this
Jewish Rabbi for yourself. If you are
agnostic, you may be better able to check
this out for yourself, who this Jesus without
religious baggage really is.
If you are Christian, you may have the
toughest time examining these myths. It's
because you think you already know Jesus.
What I have found to be true is that many
Christians seem to know a lot about Jesus,
but don't really know Him and follow Him.
Whether Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish,
agnostic or Christian, Jesus will never ask
you to leave your culture. Jesus supersedes
all culture. As a Buddhist friend said to me:
"Jesus trumps everything!" If you myth out on
Jesus, you will find that you are missing out
on life at its fullest!