MYTH #6-You must believe Jesus is the Son of God in order to follow Him.
Jesus is unsurpassed in our world in every
way. There is more written about Jesus than
any other person in history. Once Jesus is
encountered, it's very difficult to brush Him
aside as just another human. He was, at
least, the greatest one who ever lived,
taught and practiced what He taught. Some see
Jesus as a great teacher or example for
living. Others see Jesus as a religious
leader. Others have come to believe Jesus is
the unique Son of God. I have come to this
understanding personally.
But when you use the term "Son of God", many
just don't get it or understand how this can
be. This is especially true among the Jews
and Muslims. To them the "Son of God" sounds
like all of the other Greek and Roman myths
about their gods that chose to have sexual
intercourse with a human woman to produce
unique offspring. To them and many others,
this is a gross thought, even unthinkable!
It's an animalistic act, but not an act of a God.
The whole misunderstanding about the meaning
of the "Son of God" is clarified best by my
friend, Congressman Mark Siljander, in his
book A Deadly Misunderstanding.
The misunderstanding revolves around a word
"to beget". The Qur'an is emphatic that God
does not and could not "beget" a child, so to
the Muslim mind this is an accursed thought.
So, the Qur'an says 11 times Isa (Jesus) was
not the begotten Son of God. On the other
hand, the New Testament says Jesus was
begotten by God 15 times.
If you rely on the Greek or English word to
beget, you can easily see why someone could
think in terms of Jesus being the product of
God having sexual intercourse with Mary.
However, in the Aramaic (language of Jesus
and cousin language to Arabic), there are two
words that describe the "begetting". One
describes the natural begetting between human
parents (male and female) and the other
specifically describes a begetting with no
male involved at all.
Instead of it being a sexual act of God with
a human woman, the idea is specifically
defining the work of the Spirit of God with
the feminine (without a male) to produce a
virgin birth (no sex with man). So, "Son of
God" must be clearly defined before using it
loosely in order to communicate who this
Jesus claimed to be.
Now, back to the myth. Read it carefully
before jumping to conclusions and then come
along with me to unpack this myth. For years
I've held this myth up as a standard for
those who believe. This myth is so embedded
within Christianity. This has become the
benchmark for whether or not a person is a
true believer.
The primary damage of this myth that "you
must believe Jesus is the Son of God to
follow Him" is that it has become a doctrinal
standard or proof of doctrinal purity. If you
don't believe Jesus is the Son of God, you
are disqualified to even play the spiritual
game. By the way, one other point of damage
is that when you embrace this myth that you
cannot follow Jesus unless you believe He is
the Son of God, you can so easily shut the
door of the Kingdom to those who are
interested. I shut the door of the Kingdom so
many times when I presented the familiar
chart that challenged people to see that
Jesus was either a liar, lunatic or Lord. I
continually pointed out and made fun of
anyone who only viewed Jesus as a good
teacher or example. I was very wrong and very
hurtful to the message of Jesus in doing so.
Now, in debunking this myth I want to direct
your attention again to the early disciples.
When they first answered the call to follow
Jesus, did they believe that Jesus was the
Son of God? No!
They believed Jesus was the latest and
greatest Rabbi on the religious scene. They
believed Jesus was an amazing teacher and
example. They believed He was able to perform
miracles and heal people. They were highly
responsive to Him, because He picked them out
of a crowd and showed them some affirmation
and attention. They weren't even very strong
believers in Him at first either. They
believed Jesus enough to attach their hopes
to Him.
When you finally accept the fact that the
early disciples weren't believers and didn't
yet believe that Jesus was the Son of God,
you step across a great threshold of truth.
You see, there are lots of people that you
know that are just where the disciples were
in the beginning. They are curious,
fascinated, impressed and interested in this
Jesus. When I tell an interested agnostic
that he is exactly like the early disciples
of Jesus, he or she is taken back.
In Matthew 16, Jesus has a fascinating
encounter and interchange with the disciples:
When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea
Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do
people say the Son of Man is?" They replied,
"Some say John the Baptist; others say
Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of
the prophets." "But what about you?" he
asked. "Who do you say I am?" Simon Peter
answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of
the living God."
The disciples have been following this
attractive, irresistible and relevant Jesus
for quite some time and now the question
comes from Jesus: "Who do you say I
am?" Peter's answer was right on when he
said, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the
living God." This is the first time this
has been expressed with a sense of conviction
by the disciples. The thought was there, but
this seems to nail it down. They believed
Jesus was God's Messiah, the Son of the
living God.
Now note Jesus' reply to Peter's answer. He
first says, "Blessed are you, Simon son of
Jonah." Jesus strokes Peter for
expressing the right answer to the question.
But before Peter gets too puffed up for
coming up with this great answer, Jesus
quickly says, "This was not revealed to
you by flesh and blood." He is saying,
"Peter, you didn't think this up on your own
and no one taught you this truth." You see,
we continue to rely on teaching our people a
set of doctrines or beliefs, thinking this
teaching will somehow be sufficient to
establish and maintain a vital relationship
with God.
Jesus goes on to explain, "But by my
Father in heaven" revealed this to you.
"Peter, my Father gave you this great insight
that I am indeed the Son of God." This is
still the plan of operation today. The Father
transformed the hearts and minds of the
disciples, because they have been following
Jesus for a long time.
In II Timothy 2, Paul counsels Timothy: Those
who oppose him he must gently instruct, in
the hope that God will grant them repentance
leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and
that they will come to their senses. Note
that you don't get a heart for change or a
transformation of heart and mind by any human
methodology. Genuine transformation will only
come as a gift from God-"in the hope that
God will grant them repentance leading them
to a knowledge of the truth and that they
will come to their senses." God will
grant this transformation to all who are
interested enough to have ears to hear and
eyes to see. It's a gift from God.
There seem to be three stages of following
Jesus. FIRST-Jesus is followed because He is
so flawless and attractive-unimpeachable. He
is the one person who has truly walked the
walk and the talk perfectly. No one argues
with this. And the disciples believed in Him
enough to follow Him. There is nothing wrong
with this type of following Jesus at all.
SECOND-Then as you follow this attractive
Jesus, you will begin to embrace His
lifestyle, teachings and principles and find
them to be very practical and meaningful for
your life. Following this Jesus just makes sense.
THIRD-Finally, as you continue to follow this
Jesus and find His teachings meaningful, you
will at some point discover your Creator-God.
You will experience transformation of your
heart and your mind and see Jesus as the Son
of God.
So, wherever you are in this continuum of the
stages in following Jesus, ultimately you are
seeking and hoping to receive this gift of
transformation from God Himself. When you
understand this, you then can embrace the
fact of Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Agnostics,
Muslims and even Christians who are followers
of Jesus.
This is why I have dedicated my life to doing
two things. FIRST-I am doing one of the
toughest things I've ever set out to do in my
life; I'm trying to follow Jesus and embrace
His teachings as my lifestyle. SECOND-I want
to do whatever I can do to introduce Jesus
and His teachings to as many individuals as I
possibly can. This approach to life is summed
up in an old phrase: TO KNOW JESUS AND TO
MAKE HIM KNOWN. I encourage you to think
about doing the same.