MYTH #5-Jesus is narrow and exclusive!
Whenever I share the message of Jesus plus
nothing, most frequently I get an initial
response-a quote from the mouth of Jesus: "I
am the way, the truth and the life." This
usually comes from a person who is friendly
to me and is appealing to me from what is
considered to be a foundational statement
from Jesus, Himself. And by the way, I
couldn't agree more.
The damage that comes from seeing Jesus as
narrow and exclusive fuels the sense of "we
are the only ones who are right and going to
heaven" and the rest of the world is wrong
and going to hell. In addition to this,
viewing Jesus as narrow and exclusive in this
prideful way and believing that our way of
thinking and believing is the only way, truth
and life as well, does something that Jesus
abhors. Embracing this myth shuts the door of
the Kingdom on everyone else who is not one
of us and we have become the judge on the matter.
Granted this statement of Jesus seems to be
quite narrow and exclusive, but it's only
narrow and exclusive if Jesus lives within
the limitations of a Christian box. Since I
separate Jesus from Christianity, deny that
Jesus is the founder of the Christian Church
and reject the mission of Jesus as being to
convert the world to Christianity, people
believe I must be removing Jesus from being
the way, the truth and the life.
This couldn't be further from the truth! It's
not that Jesus is so narrow and exclusive;
Jesus is more preeminent than we have ever
dreamed and He is all-inclusive. He'll work
with anyone!
In Jesus' first seminar in Matthew 5-7 He
made a radical statement with respect His
relationship with the Jewish Law and
traditions. He said, "Do not think that I
have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets;
I have not come to abolish them but to
fulfill them."
Literally, Jesus didn't come to abolish the
Laws and traditions of the Jewish culture; He
came to fill it full-to bring fullness to it.
It's like the Jewish culture with its Law and
traditions was like a glass-a form with some
sort of structure to it. Then, Jesus came to
fill up that form or glass to its fullest-to
fill it full. Jesus came to bring ultimate
meaning and fullness to the Jewish religious
system. In other words, Jesus is the way, the
truth and the life for the Jewish dreams and
In the same way, I am coming to believe that
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life for
all cultural and religious systems and
traditions. Jesus is the meaning and fullness
everyone is looking for. Jesus fills up the
various forms or glasses of every culture.
This may seem a little far-fetched for you to
embrace at first, but give it some thought.
We are finding the footprints of Jesus in
every culture. Many years ago Don Richardson
wrote a groundbreaking book Eternity In
Hearts. His research demonstrated
that the
fingerprints of the Creator-God was found to
be in many cultures. God is already there,
because God placed "eternity in their hearts".
In the movie, "Fingerprints of God in
Japan", the Creator-God of the Japanese
people is clearly revealed. In the past the
Japanese people were told that they had to
reject their Japanese roots and culture in
order to be converted to Western
Christianity. However, it is now clear that
the Creator-God of the Japanese people was
known to be in the form of a tri-unity or
Godhead. Their Creator-God had a Japanese
name, not the Jewish name of Jehovah. When
the Japanese watch this film, they weep with
great joy. They don't have to reject their
culture; God created them and is already
present there.
This same understanding has happened among
the Hawaiians, Polynesians, Buddhists, Hindus
and Chinese. What's interesting is that in
many of these cultures there are similar
stories in their history-the flood,
sacrifices for sins and many have a garden
scene. In several of these cultures their
ancient scriptures speak of a sacrifice for
their sins that must be made by God, Himself.
Where did these come from? These are the
fingerprints of God in the many cultures of
the world.
Jesus is the ultimate fullness of the many
cultures of the world. Hey, that's not narrow
and exclusive; that's universal and
all-inclusive. Jesus is the way, the truth
and the life for anyone who has ears to hear
and eyes to see. Our mission is not to plant
mission stations in these cultures and teach
them our favorite Western Christian hymns.
Our tendency has been to introduce Jesus to a
culture, stay there among them and
orchestrate our Western Christian way of
doing things. This methodology serves to
bring the Jesus movement to a screeching halt
in that culture.
Instead, our mission is to introduce Jesus to
the cultures of the world and encourage them
to respond with their unique, cultural
customs. Most recently this was done in
Hawaii and the church of Jesus is really
growing there. Wherever this is done, the
Jesus movement flourishes. Jesus is
all-inclusive and wants to work with everyone.